Q - GW - Selesnya Enchantress

By Quilt Created May 20, 2018 Updated May 20, 2018
Casual Enchantress
Buy Now! Avg Price $535.61

Main Board (60)

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My first deck was a green-white deck. (It also was a black-red deck. In a way, I had two first decks.) This happens when you start with a set from Portal. :-)Anyway. My first deck that could do something was green-white. Biggest chance of winning: getting an early Rancor on Albino Troll. One thing led to another, then to a playset of Argothian Enchantress. There it was; Enchantress.


I'm flirting with the idea to make it monogreen.

Removal is an issue but eventually I'll get a cheap set of Song of the Dryads



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